Events and Exhibitions

Our next Annual Exhibition to be held on 19 – 21 September 2025 at the Albert Hall. We will be open from 10am to 4pm with a lovely cafe, lots of embroidered items for sale, great bargains on second hand goodies along with a beautiful display of hundreds of embroideries covering the full spectrum of embroidery styles. A lovely mix of contemporary and tradition, including a display of things made by our Young Stitchers.

If you are looking for how to prepare items that are being entered in the exhibition. This video sets out some of the things to consider. We also have a write up of tips to consider to improve the quality of your embroidery. This is particularly useful if you are planning to enter your embroidery in a local show eg the Canberra Show.

Greenhills weekend

Each year (20 – 22 June 2025), we spend a weekend at the Greenhills Conference Centre at Stromlo. It is a chance to catch up with like minded people and spend a weekend doing embroidery without the usual interruptions of daily life. With lots of food and lots of fun it is open to members and non-members.

If you are interested in attending, please complete a form and return it to the guild.

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